Tuesday 11 June 2024

INAV VTOL Tailsitter

INAV 7.1 now has VTOL capability, thanks to INAV dev Shota Hyashi 

With Mixer Profile switching and a Transition mode we can now change between horizontal and vertical board alignments on the fly.

It is not yet perfect, lots of experimentation with PIDs and rates is required to make each different model work smoothly.

INAV VTOL doc - https://github.com/iNavFlight/inav/blob/master/docs/VTOL.md

Tailsitter initial setup tips

At this stage (INAV 7.1.2 June 2024) Tailsitter is not available as a platform choice so you need to enter this CLI command - Set tailsitter_orientation_offset = ON

This allows the board orientation to be horizontal for Mixer Profile 1 and vertical for Mixer Profile 2 with a 45º pitch forward transition mode.

Start with a normal fixed wing INAV setup. This will be Mixer Profile 1 / PID Profile 1.

Turn on "PID Profile will use same index...." so that the mixer and PIDs will match when switching Profiles.

Change to Mixer Profile 2 and PID Profile 2 and choose Quad X as the Mixer Preset.

Again turn on "PID Profile will use same index...." 

Later we will need to alter the Quad X mixer settings depending on the fixed wing model we are using. 

I am testing the AtomRC Theer wing and AtomRC Penguin.

In the Modes page - Configure Mixer Profile 2 and Profile Transition Modes using a channel which is operated by a 3 position switch.

Low channel value enables Profile 2 (VTOL), middle value adds the Transition Mode, high value switches to Profile 1 (level flight).

OK that covers the basics for all INAV tail sitters.

Now we need to make changes depending on the particular model, and play with the PIDs 

AtomRC Theer Tailsitter settings 

13th June 2024 - My Theer Tailsitter is now working OK for takeoff, hover, transition and level flight. I am having problems switching back to vertical and remaining stable. 

Profile 1 - use a normal twin motor flying wing mix

Profile 2 - Use Quad X mix like this screenshot, but make the changes below

In VTOL flight Motors give thrust and roll control.
Elevons give pitch and yaw control

Delete motors 3 and 4

Change Motor Roll values to 1, -1. Adjust directions as required to give the correct stabilisation direction..

Change Motor Pitch and Yaw values to 0, 0

Add elevon servo mixes and adjust directions and weights as required

This is the resulting Tailsitter mix

Initially the Theer did not have enough pitch stability action to keep it vertical so I added more elevon area. 

The preset Quad PIDs are incorrect for servo control so it's best to use values closer to Airplane PIDs for pitch and yaw, then adjust from there. 

For more elevon action in Angle mode I increased the pitch P value until the servos started shuddering, then backed off a bit. 

Then I increased the Level Pitch P value for more aggressive Angle mode pitch stability. 

set mc_p_level = 40 (0 to 255) Default value is 20

Here is my latest Theer VTOL Diff_All file Use with caution.

AtomRC Penguin Tailsitter settings (Not yet tested)

Profile 1 - normal mix for a twin motor plane without rudder

Profile 2 - Quad X but needs the changes below

In VTOL flight Motors give thrust and roll control,
elevator gives pitch control and ailerons give yaw control.

Delete motors 3 and 4

Change Motor Roll values 1, -1. Adjust directions as required to give the correct stabilisation direction.

Change Motor Pitch and Yaw values to 0, 0

Add elevator and aileron servo mixes and adjust directions and weights as required

Try increasing the Level Pitch P value for more Angle mode pitch stability

set mc_p_level = 40 (0 to 255) Default value is 20

In VTOL mode Elevator controls Pitch as usual but Ailerons change to Yaw

My YouTube VTOL Playlist 

WARNING - The INAV VTOL code is still being developed and is not yet complete. 

My tailsitters are still fairly unreliable and I haven't added GPS yet.  More tweaking is required. 

Saturday 23 March 2024

Taranis Q X7 Buddy Box Setup

How to connect two FrSKY TaranisQ X7 radios for shared Instructor and Student control

The Instructor and Student radios are connected via the DSC sockets using a 3.5mm stereo audio cable (TRS style) 

Link to 3.5mm TRS cable

Note that RadioMaster radios require different cables. 3.5mm TRRS (Smart phone style) for "Old" radio and TS for "New" radios. Link to RadioMaster Trainer Cable information

FrSKY TaranisQ X7 trainer setup

Instructor radio (Master)

In the Model Setup page - Set Trainer Mode to Master/Jack

Mixer page (Adjust weights and expo as required. Best to be the same as in the Student radio)

Ch1 100 Ail E30

Ch2 100 Ele E30

Ch3 100 Thr

Ch4 100 Rud

In Special Functions page - Select a switch, Select TRAINER and STICKS and tick box

Bind Instructor radio to the receiver

In Radio Setup  > TRAINER page

Ail := 100 CH1

Ele := 100 CH2

Thr := 100 CH3

Rud := 100 CH4

Student Radio (Slave)

In the Model Setup page

Turn the Internal RF module OFF

Set Trainer to Slave/Jack

Ch Range 1 to 8 (just has to be more than 4)

Mixer Page (Adjust weights and expo as required)

Ch1 100 Ail E30

Ch2 100 Ele E30

Ch3 100 Thr

Ch4 100 Rud

Check direction of throws on both radios and adjust or invert channels as required

Thursday 14 March 2024

Best Radios for INAV 2024

This advice applies to non INAV models as well. The only difference is you would use receivers with PWM outputs for servos rather than a Serial output for a flight control board

INAV only requires a very simple model setup in the radio, just the 4 control channels plus a few mode switches. 

You can get by with just about any radio system including RadioMaster, FrSKY, FlySKY, Futaba and Spektrum as long as the receiver can output a serial signal using a protocol like iBUS, SRXL2, SBUS or CRSF.

My preference is for radios that use the EdgeTX operating system and ExpressLRS RF protocol. EdgeTX is the most flexible and programmable operating system and ExpressLRS gives the most secure and long range RF link.

Spektrum and FlySKY operating systems are less flexible and more locked down than EdgeTX.

Below are my top suggestions for a good INAV radio in 2024

Note: EdgeTX, INAV and ExpressLRS are all RC Community developed OpenSource projects so they are often updated and  will require a little more research and experimentation to master than traditional locked down systems like Spektrum.

ExpressLRS Radios

1. RadioMaster Boxer ELRS  (or Boxer 4in1 with ELRS RF Module) 

The Boxer is a very reasonably priced radio with plenty of switches. One momentary, one locking, two 2 position, two 3 position and one 6 position switch as well as two pots. It has a full sized JR RF module bay. The only things missing are sliders on the sides. There is a large battery bay for 2S LiPos.

2. Zorro and TX16S are good options too, although I am not a fan of the colour touch screen version of EdgeTX on the TX16S. 

My daily radio is actually the Zorro 4in1 with Ranger ELRS RF module. The game controller form factor is not to everyone's taste but I like it. It uses 18350 Li Ion batteries which are hard to find and have less capacity. But I like the side sliders for panning cameras and also crow braking on gliders. 

The TX16S would suit someone who wants all the bells and whistles including a large colour touch screen. But I find it unnecessarily big and heavy.

3. FrSKY TaranisQ X7 with external BetaFPV or RadioMaster ELRS RF Module

This is FrSKYs cheapest radio and it was my favourite for many years. I love the rotary selector dial and overall feel.
It only binds with FrSKY ACCESS and D16 receivers unless you add an external ELRS RF module.

ELRS Receivers

Any ELRS receiver can be used with any ELRS radio or module

RadioMaster RP1, RP2, RP3, RP4TD ELRS or any of the PWM receivers with Serial output enabled

BetaFPV - ELRS Nano, Lite, SuperD and Micro PWM or SuperP PWM with Serial output enabled

ELRS gear has amazing range, at least 5km even with the nano receiver versions. Or you can think of it as very secure RF link for short range even with obstacles. The diversity receivers like SuperD and RP4TD extend the link security even further for extended long range or close range penetration.

SBUS Radios

1. RadioMaster Boxer 4in1 

All RadioMasters radios come in different versions. CR2500 for one chip multi-protocol (Mainly used for RadioMaster and FrSKY receivers), 4in1 with 4 chip multi-protocol, or ELRS.

2. Zorro and TX16S are also good options. ELRS external module can be added

3. FrSKY TaranisQ X7 (only compatible with FrSKY ACCESS and D16 receivers)

4. FrSKY Tandem and Twin radios (Higher quality hardware but more expensive and limited to FrSKY receivers)

SBUS Receivers


RadioMaster R81, R86C

FlySKY iA6B using iBUS or SBUS

My YouTube Playlists to help with the learning curve. It's worth the little extra effort of watching a few videos on the relevant subjects


INAV Playlist

ExpressLRS Playlist

OpenTX / EdgeTX Playlist

Sunday 14 January 2024

ExpressLRS for Planes

ExpressLRS is an Open Source RF system with amazing long range and low latency. Flight distances of more than 10km are easily achievable using basic ELRS gear and low power transmission.

It was originally designed to work with multi rotors and flight control boards and uses the CRSF serial receiver protocol.

More recently PWM receivers have been released which allow normal servo connection direct to the
receiver without using an FCB. This makes ELRS a viable system for normal line-of-sight planes and gliders.

However it is essential to understand that ELRS is quite different to the traditional RF protocols like FrSKY ACCST / ACCESS or Spectrum DSMX. To achieve the low latency and solid connection over long range the ELRS devs have optimised the data packets to be as short as possible and included safety checks. 

Below are some of the compromises required for ELRS to function properly

Setup selections are made using the ELRS Lua script on your radio, and some of the default options must be changed for fixed wing models.

Channel resolution

To keep data packages small only the essential data is sent with every packet. This means with some Packet Rates not all channels are full resolution.

In the ultra low latency modes Ch 1 to 4 are full resolution, while Ch 5 is only 1 bit (low or high) and all other channels act like 6 position switches.

However more recently, lower frequency Packet Rates have been added, which do give full resolution on all channels and are recommended for fixed wing use. 

Best settings for fixed wing models are:

Packet Rates 100 Full or 333 Full with Switch mode on WIDE.

However Ch5 should not be used for anything but arming, even though it can be full resolution.

Channel 5 requirement

To function safely ELRS needs to know when the model is armed or flying. So it looks at the data from Ch5, which is sent with every data packet, to check the PWM value.

Ch5 needs to be in the "High" state, or PWM value above 1500ms, to show that the model is armed or flying. 

When Ch5 is high the buttons on your ELRS RF module are locked to avoid accidental mid air changes, which could cause a loss of control. 

Dynamic Power only works when Ch5 is High. Dynamic Power continuously adjusts the RF transmitting power to the minimum required.

So Ch5 should be set as the arming or throttle cut switch or set as high, and not left unassigned or used for control surfaces or throttle. This applies to any model, even if they don't require arming, including motorless gliders.

Here is a great explanation by RC-Soar - https://rc-soar.blogspot.com/2023/08/an-introduction-to-elrs-including.html

ExpressLRS on GitHub - https://www.expresslrs.org/quick-start/getting-started/

Wednesday 11 October 2023

Unusual RC and INAV problems and solutions

This post will be an ongoing log of troubleshooting solutions that I come across in video comments and questions. 

Some solutions are obvious and just require reading the manual, or checking connections. But some solutions are unexpected and weird.

This will document some of the more unusual problems that can mess up an RC setup

List of odd problems and their solutions


"Pitch / Roll not centered" error message

Cause - Switch mistakenly assigned to Aileron channel in the radio

Disarming with any aileron input

Cause - Used an existing model setup in the radio which had aileron mixing on the same channel as Arming in INAV.

GOLDEN RULE - Create a new fresh model for your INAV setup to avoid any leftover mixes

Outputs working in the INAV configurator but actual servos don't move

5V servos used with 6V servo BEC setting. One servo burned out and prevented others from working.. 

AtomRC Penguin on INAV

Turning right and crashing during launch.

Cause -  ESCs were out of sync after lots of INAV VTOL configuration testing.

Recalibrating the ESCs in INAV Outputs Page corrected the problem.

SpeedyBee F405-Wing MINI 

USER modes not available for analog camera switching in INAV 7.0

Cause - This feature missed the deadline to be included in INAV 7.0. Updated firmware available on the Product page and INAV 7.1

Board stopped working after prolonged setup session

Cause - Bent pin on the "between-board" connector after repeated disassemblies.

SpeedyBee F405-Wing 

No voltage on DJI 9V port 

Cause - Bent ground pin needed straightening

No output on S8, no Soft Serial for S-Port function 

Cause - Factory firmware bugs, upgrade to INAV 6.1.1


Receiver unable to enter bind mode 

Cause - Worn bind button contact. Needed to push harder on the bind button

Kootai A505 J3 Cub 

Will not initiate 

Cause - Futaba FASST protocol uses REVERSED throttle channel

Skywalker X8 

Wings out of alignment. 

Manufacturer glued the spar at the top of the channel in one wing and bottom of the channel in the other wing - Cut out spar and foam packing and re glue correctly.

FIMI Manta - Matek F405 VTOL - Ardupilot ELRS 

RC connection won't work 

Cause - SERIAL5 was set to CRSF (Parameter = 23) as well as SERIAL6 which prevented Rx connection.

Only SERIAL6 should be set to CRSF

Tuesday 12 September 2023

ArduPilot - QGroundControl for Mac

ArduPilot configuration using QGroundControl for Mac on a simple GPS enabled FPV wing. No ground station, no compass, no airspeed sensor.

Mission Planner is the most popular ArduPilot configuration program but there is no Mac version

My gear for this ArduPilot test:

Matek F405-Wing board, LTE Rambler Wing, RadioMaster Boxer, ELRS receiver and RF module.

QGroundControl for Mac

Download and install QGroundControl for Mac

ArduPilot firmware
Go to the ArduPilot Github repository and find the latest stable ArduPilot Plane firmware for Matek F405-Wing (or your FC). Download the hex file that includes the boot loader (arduplane_with_bl.hex)

Firmware page - https://firmware.ardupilot.org/Plane/

All of this information comes from the ArduPilot Plane documentation - https://ardupilot.org/plane/index.html

Initial firmware flashing with INAV

QGroundControl cannot be used to flash Ardupilot to a board that does not already have Ardupilot loaded. INAV or BetaFlight can be used for this.

Connect the board to INAV Configurator in DFU mode by holding the DFU button while connecting the USB

Select Firmware Flasher then Load Firmware (Local)

Locate the dowloaded arduplane_with_bl.hex file and select Flash Firmware

Once Ardupilot firmware is flashed to the board QGroundControl can be used for updates and configuring.

Configuration with QGroundControl

Open QGroundControl and connect the F405-Wing via USB

IMPORTANT: First step is to RELOAD the firmware using QGroundControl now that Ardupilot is on the board. 
Click on Firmware, unplug the board, then reconnect to start the upload.

This seems to be necessary to make the sensor calibration and servo outputs behave correctly, not sure why.

Once the firmware has been updated and the board rebooted, the Horizon icon should react to board movements, and sensor setup notices will pop up.

Click on the Q icon (top left) to open Tools, then Vehicle Setup

Parameters screen should appear in a few seconds.

Calibrate Accelerometer

Click on the Sensors tab (left of parameter screen) and select Accelerometer

Follow the prompts to calibrate the accelerometer while holding the board in all 6 orientations.

Set up the ArduPilot model in your radio.

It is important to create a fresh model in your radio to avoid any leftover inputs, mixes or overrides.

Model setup for ArduPilot must have no mixing, no rates or expo. No matter what style of plane you are configuring, this is how the mixing page on your radio should be. 

All control surface mixing and channel reversing is done in QGroundControl

Ch 1 100% AIL

Ch 2 100% ELE

Ch 3 100% THR

Ch 4 100% RUD

Ch 5 100% MAX (ELRS requirement)


All ArduPilot's Flight Modes are on Ch 8 by default

Ch 8 100% SC for 3 positions operating 3 Modes


Mixing for 6 modes using combination of SC (3 pos) and SD (2 pos) switches

Ch 8  31% SC -45% Offset, SD Up

ADD  31% SC +45% Offset, SD Down


Ch 8  65% S3 (6 position switch) 

Weight of 65% is required so the 6 PWM values match the ArduPilot Mode PWM ranges

Make sure the receiver is bound to the radio 

Parameter Setup

To find and edit items in the Full Parameter list, click on Parameters then type in the search field, then click on the relevant line to bring up the Parameter Editor box.

The firmware does not correctly preset all of the parameters for the F405-Wing board. The following changes are essential to configure the board for successful operation.

Configuring SERIAL inputs (UARTS)

Note that some FCBs have a different UART numbering sequence to the Ardupilot SERIAL numbering. Check the board's product page or the Ardupilot board info list. https://ardupilot.org/plane/docs/common-autopilots.html

Luckily the Matek F405-Wing board UARTs do match.

The following SERIAL parameters need to be entered

1. Receiver protocol and UART1 selection

SERIAL1_PROTOCOL - Manually enter "23" 
This changes the RC protocol to RCIN - ELRS/CRSF
This info is on the Matek product page and ELRS documentation

2. GPS connects to UART3 and/or UART4


Baud Rate is automatically adjusted

No other SERIAL inputs need to be changed at this stage (Unless you have HD FPV that needs UART connection)

Connect ELRS receiver RX and TX to UART1 on the board. Connect receiver power to 4.5V pin if you want it to be powered from USB for setup

Calibrate Radio in QGroundControl

With the receiver connected and bound to the radio, click on the Radio tab.

Follow the prompts while moving sticks and switches to calibrate Ardupilot for the radio. 

This configures the stick functions or RC inputs, and sets the channel endpoints

Configuring motor and servo connections


Edit SERVO Parameters to be as shown below


  Change SERVO1_MIN to 1000

ESC signal connects to S1 pins on the F405

May need to change and/or reverse later

  Change SERVO3_TRIM to 1500

Left Elevon connects to S3 pins on the F405

SERVO4_FUNCTION - ElevonRight 
May need to change and/or reverse later

Right Elevon connects to S4 pins on the F405

Configuring other parameters

SAFETY (Click the Safety tab)

Safety Checks - Leave ALL ticked.

Return To Launch Altitude - Change if desired. I use 7000cm (70m)


Otherwise Safety Checks will prevent arming


Otherwise Safety Checks will prevent arming

ARMING_RUDDER - ArmorDisarm 

To allow arm and disarm with rudder stick. 

Arming by a Switch is also available


Return to Launch on a "longer than short" Failsafe. 

Short Failsafe Action is preset to CIRCLE to attempt RC reconnection, then reverts to Long failsafe after 2 sec.


Continuously trim servo midpoints for level flight in Manual


300 centi degrees for 3º of nose up for level flight (maintain altitude) in FBWA. Adjust for your craft


For criuse throttle of 38%. Adjust for your craft

RSSI_TYPE - ReveiverProtocol 

Allows ELRS RSSI and LQ to be displayed correctly

Configuring Control surface movements

1. Correct stabilisation directions

IMPORTANT - Do this before step 2.

Check control surface movements for stabilisation in FBWA Mode

Without touching the sticks - 

Left elevon should move up and right elevon down, when the left wing is raised

Right elevon should move up and left elevon down, when the right wing is raised

Both elevons should move up when the tail is raised

I needed to make the following changes to give correct stabilisation elevon movements

SERVO3_FUNCTION - Change to ElevonRight

SERVO3_REVERSE - Change to Reverse

SERVO4_FUNCTION - Change to ElevonLeft

2. Correct stick input directions

Check control surface movement for stick inputs in Manual Mode

My elevator action was reversed, so I needed reverse the elevator input (RC2) in parameters 

RC2_REVERSED - Reverse

Coming from INAV I prefer to reverse RC inputs in QGroundControl and not in the radio. But I think either method is OK in Ardupilot.

Analog OSD Setup

Connect camera and video transmitter to the board

Search for OSD parameters

OSD_ENABLED - Enabled (To turn OSD on)

By editing the OSD parameters you can Enable and Disable OSD elements and position them by changing the X and Y parameters.

There are about 23 horizontal and 13 vertical positions

The F405-Wing board does not have enough memory to include alternative fonts. 

However other fonts can be stored on the SD card and called up using the OSD1_FONT parameter

Download fonts from the Ardupilot Font repository

I changed to the INAV style font (font2.bin) 

Copy the font2.bin file onto the SD card and choose OSD1_FONT = 2

Setup and maiden videos - https://www.youtube.com/@AndrewNewton/search?query=Ardupilot

Thursday 10 August 2023

CC2500 Multi-protocol list

Some of the smaller RadioMaster multi-protocol transmitters are only available with the CC2500 RF chip and not the full 4-in-1 RF chip.

This is fine if you use FrSKY receivers, but you will need a 4-in-1 radio for FlySKY and Spectrum receivers, and all the odd RTF model protocols like V761 etc .

Of course you can add a 4-in-1 external RF module to a CC2500 or ELRS radio for full multi-protocol compatibility

CC2500 RF chip supported protocols 

FrSKY (but not ACCESS, TD or Twin)

S-FHSS (Futaba)


Graupner HoTT 


Full list on GITHUB

4-in-1 RF chip 

Includes all the CC2500 protocols and many more, like Flysky (but not ANT) and Spektrum DSMX

Visit the Multi protocol page for the full list

ELRS 2.4 RF chip

Only compatible with ELRS 2.4 CRSF protocol receivers